Madeline Gottlieb

profile picture of gottlieb
  • Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior

Madeline is a fourth year doctoral student in the Graduate Group in Ecology, focusing on human ecology and environmental policy. Before coming to UC Davis she worked at Resources for the Future, a Washington, DC-based think tank, on a multi-faceted project examining public perceptions and regulatory aspects of shale development. Her interests broadly center on human-environment interactions and how social networks shape those interactions, particularly in the context of environmental justice. At UC Davis her research focuses on community impacts of unconventional oil and gas development. She holds a dual degree in environmental studies and economics from Connecticut College. Madeline is an active participant in her community - she was the co-chair of the Ecology Graduate Student Association and she co-founded a new publication to increase the visibility of ecology students' research. She in an avid reader, thinker and adventurer who always looks forward to the next challenge.