Kelsey R. Haydon

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Position Title
PhD Student

  • Geography Graduate Group

Kelsey Haydon is a doctoral student in the Graduate Group of Geography at UC Davis, where her work is focused on climate change and water policy and environmental injustice. She earned her M.S. in Environmental Policy and Management from UC Davis in 2020, where she specialized in water resource management. Prior to this, she earned a B.S. in Energy Management and Design from Sonoma State University and an A.S. in Mathematics from Diablo Valley College. Kelsey has worked on projects with the Nature Conservancy, the Delta Stewardship Council, the Sonoma County Water Agency, and the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources program. She has served as the president of the Association of Environmental Professionals Student Chapter at UC Davis. She is currently working with the California Naturalists on their UC Climate Stewards courses, which seek to educate and engage participants on local solutions to advance community and ecosystem resilience to climate change.

Education and Degree(s)
  • M.S. Environmental Policy and Management - University of California, Davis (2020)
  • B.S. Energy Management and Design - Sonoma State University (2018)
  • A.S. Mathematics - Diablo Valley College (2016)
Research Interests & Expertise
  • climate change policy
  • environmental justice
  • water resource management