his project examines agriculture and climate change with a focus on both mitigation and adaptation. In particular, we are looking at the variables that influence farmer and agricultural industry adoption of climate change mitigation and adaptation practices. Multiple factors will affect the adoption and innovation of practices in agriculture for mitigation and adaptation to climate change including information sources, climate change perceptions, policy structures, land management strategies, and economic and market drivers. As well, we are examining the effectiveness of a variety of climate change mitigation policies including cap and trade, mandatory regulations and voluntary carbon offset markets in agriculture. This research will inform policy and program design to promote higher levels of participation within the agricultural sector and provide land managers with climate change information and an opportunity for their perspectives to be heard.
Current research is examining climate change impacts and adaptation in Hawke's Bay and Marlborough New Zealand along with a focus on the emissions trading scheme in New Zealand. This project is in conjunction with AgResearch, the largest Crown Research Institute in New Zealand. In Yolo County our multidisciplinary climate change project is assessing farmer adoption of climate change mitigation and adaptation techniques in agriculture and seeking to understand future climate change concerns and perspectives.
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