Meredith Niles

profile picture of niles

Position Title
Assistant Professor


Meredith received her Ph.D. in Ecology in 2014. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship in sustainability science at Harvard University and is now an assistant professor at the University of Vermont. As a graduate student, she was a NSF IGERT Trainee, NSF Graduate Fellow, and Switzer Fellow. She studies environmental behavior focused on farmer perceptions of climate change and adoption of mitigation and adaptation techniques in New Zealand and California. Meredith holds a B.A. in political science from The Catholic University of America where she graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. She previously worked in Washington D.C as the director of a climate change and agriculture campaign and as the Public Affairs Coordinator on the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief at the US State Department. She served as a member of the Climate Action Reserve's nutrient management workgroup and as a UC Davis Agricultural Sustainability Institute board member. Meredith was the Director of Legislative Affairs for the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students and the External Chair for the UC Davis Graduate Student Association.