Post-doc Position: Sea Level Rise Governance Networks
The UC Davis Department of Environmental Science and Policy seeks a post-doctoral fellow in Governance Network Analysis and Climate Adaptation under the mentorship of Dr. Mark Lubell. The position will be for one year residence with possible second year renewal depending on funding. The position will begin in January 2020, or as soon as possible after that time. Salary ranges from $50,760 to $59,100 annually depending on experience. This post-doctoral position is part of the NSF-funded project called “Resilient Infrastructure as Seas Rise” (RISER), which is a partnership with UC Berkeley, UC Davis, NYU, and USGS to study adaptation to sea-level rise and coastal flooding. Further information about this project can be found at this link: http://riser.berkeley.edu/.
This postdoctoral position has three potential directions that could either be the main focus of the position or blended together:
- Governance network analysis: The analysis of the governance networks associated with climate adaptation and sea-level rise in the San Francisco Bay Area and possibly other regions, based on a recently completed stakeholder survey. This requires advanced expertise in network analysis including exponential random graph and multi-level network models.
- Sea level rise risk perceptions: Analysis of household survey data regarding perceptions of sea level rise risk, in collaboration with UC Santa Barbara and the US Army Corp of Engineers. Some household data has been collected, and more data collection will occur in 2020. Requires advanced expertise in statistical analysis of survey data, and causal inference models.
- Sea level rise governance research consortium: Help coordinate the establishment of an international research consortium for comparative analysis of governance and sea level rise. This could include qualitative and quantitative fieldwork at another location, including implementing a governance stakeholder survey.
The post-doctoral fellow will be a member of Dr. Mark Lubell's Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior and housed in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy. The post-doc will have opportunities to participate in other environmental governance projects on sustainable agriculture, water management, and climate change. Many of these projects have data on hand that could quickly be developed into publishable papers. The lab has a long history of work on social and policy networks in environmental and agricultural policy, and the post-doc will have the opportunity to interact with a broad range of faculty, post-docs, and graduate students in a cooperative and fun environment.
Applicants should be recent recipients of a doctoral degree, with demonstrated interest and publication ability in computational social science, network science, and the programming and analysis of quantitative online surveys. They should be experts in statistical and network analysis (including statistical models of networks such as exponential random graph models, multilevel networks, and stochastic actor-oriented models) in R and other appropriate software, including programming of online surveys in Qualtrics or other survey software. The academic record must have demonstrated capacity to work independently and lead the development and publication of research results, with applications to climate change policy and theories of governance. The position is open with respect to academic discipline, and could include computer science, network science, decision theory, economics, political science, public administration, sociology, or other appropriate social science training.
Application Process
Please notify Dr. Mark Lubell (mnlubell@ucdavis.edu) as soon as possible if you intend to apply, and send full applications electronically by December 15, 2019. Applications received by this date will be given first consideration, although we will continue to accept applications after that date. Applications should include a CV, letter describing research interests and background as applied to this project, examples of any relevant publications, and contact information for three references. Top candidates will be interviewed by SKYPE or phone with possibility of campus visit, and asked to supply letters of reference.
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