Carlos Barahona

Carlos Barahona

Position Title
Information Systems Manager
ArcGIS Service Owner

  • Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior
  • Department of Environmental Science and Policy

Carlos attended UC Davis as an undergraduate in computer science, and working for the school both in UC Davis Extension's IT group, and as an activities coordinator for UC Davis Extension's Center for International Education. He continued to grow his programming experience as a Programmer for Human Ecology, before eventually coming to work for Mark Lubell at the Center for Environmental Policy & Behavior.

While in CEPB, Carlos supported research programming in web application development, online survey development, data management, and social network analysis. He now continues to provide support for the Department of Environmental Science & Policy as the Information Systems Manager.

He also services as the lead support for ArcGIS at UC Davis as the service owner for the campus, doing some occasional spatial analysis and GIS training across the campus. Additionally, he serves the as a CoChair for UC Davis' IT Security Committee.

Research Interests & Expertise
  • Spatial Analysis
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Survey Design
  • Information Security
  • GIS